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Quality Policy

On 24/10/2018 Saba Italia srl joined DEXELANCE Group, with the aim of pursuing future continuity to the brand and to the employees which have been working in it for decades, by improving the production, strengthening the distribution at European and non-European level, implementing the contract division with new instrument and with the strategic support of the group.

In pursuit of its general objectives and in a quest to honour its corporate mission, Saba Italia srl intends to set up a Quality Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards, the ultimate goal being to provide customers with the guarantee of an original top-quality product.

Customer satisfaction is achieved by:

  • striving to come up constantly with new developments aimed at personalising customers’ homes;
  • adapting all internal processes with unflagging dedication to the principles of quality and ergonomics.

The Quality Policy will be made known throughout the company and on all levels by involving the personnel in charge of processes in educational schemes and training programmes about the Quality Management System.

The objectives and strategies that Saba Italia srl pursues on the market focus on:

1. Levels of product quality for its Customers which must always meet or exceed customer expectations;

2. Technological innovation in order to achieve exact measurements and accurate details by using extremely high-precision machinery which envisages checks being run on all production phases;

3. Sourcing outstanding and top-grade materials in keeping with Customers’ expectations;

4. Executing made-to-order projects marked by high aesthetic standards that incorporate ergonomic requirements into a modern functional design;

5. Saba Italia srl embarks on a comprehensive and visible effort to achieve high quality standards by rejecting anything that falls beneath set standards or involves wasting resources at any stage of business activities;

6. “Do things properly from the start” is a motto that lies at the very core of Saba Italia srl’s identity and is an approach that has caused it to stand apart from the rest in terms of aesthetic sensitivity, professional attitude and sense of fair play;

7. Cementing personal/professional relations with its employees, external collaborators, suppliers and Customers;

8. Respecting all contractual commitments whether they are clearly stated or implied;

9. Ensuring clear communications with the Customer and providing support;

10. Guaranteeing the professional growth of all collaborators with particular attention to the requirements stated by the Customer, making sure that those in charge acquire the right information so that they can guarantee that corporate processes comply with internal standards and are in keeping with market expectations.

11. Adoption of appropriate measures to reduce the climate impacts on production activities and the health and safety of workers.


In implementation of this decision, the Senior Management intends to spur all company functions to adopt an approach conducive to ongoing improvement in performance levels, both in terms of corporate efficiency and effectiveness, taking steps to measure and assess the results achieved.

SABA ITALIA SRL has an Organization, Management, and Control Model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/01 and has implemented a Whistleblowing system.

The Senior Management likewise vouches to:

  • make all employees and external collaborators aware of the importance of abiding by health and safety regulations (Legisl. Decree n. 81/08) with reference to the organisation’s activities, encouraging initiatives aimed at preventing (for all activities) any accidents which might jeopardise the safety of collaborators, employees and third parties;
  • promote educational schemes and training programmes for employees and collaborators so as to help them to take appropriate action in abnormal circumstances or emergency situations, and minimise any undesirable consequences;
  • promote the Sustainability Report, which concerns the set of strategies and behaviors adopted by the company towards the Environment.

To this end, the Senior Management vouches to:

  • Establish the Policy and the organisation’s quality targets and keep them up-to-date;
  • Promote the Policy and the Quality targets throughout the organisation, heightening awareness, raising motivation levels and involving all stakeholders;
  • Take appropriate steps to make sure that all levels of the organisation are focused on Customer requirements;
  • Ensure that adequate processes are put in place to meet the requirements of Customers and the other stakeholders in order to achieve the Quality targets;
  • Make sure that an efficient and effective Management System is created, put in place and kept up-to-date so that Quality targets are met;
  • Make sure that the necessary resources are available;
  • Regularly review the Quality-Management System;
  • Reach decisions for the Quality Policy and targets;
  • Decide on steps to be taken to improve the Quality-Management System.


Fully aware of the level of commitment required of the Company to achieve all the set goals, the Senior Management is nevertheless confident that all stakeholders will rise to the challenge. The Company will play its part by analysing and updating this document on an annual basis to make sure it is consistent with and suitable for internal and market requirements at all times.